Tagged posts: 'reactive'
Learn about the virtual threads integration in Quarkus messaging (Kafka, AMQP, Pulsar...).
How to detect pinning while running tests.
Describe how you can implement a CRUD / RESTFul application using virtual threads and Quarkus.
Introduction to the Quarkus Superheroes sample application, discusses some of the requirements for building it, and illustrates how to run it locally or deploy it to Kubernetes.
Quarkus 2.2 includes a new dispatching strategy to make RESTEasy Reactive even better.
How to use Kafka and Avro in a native executable
How to send and receive Cloud Events with Quarkus, Kafka and Reactive Messaging
Discover the Mutiny variant of the Vert.x API
How to observe events without touching the streams.
Offset commiting strategies in the Kafka connector
How does flow control works with Mutiny
Emitting messages with Reactive Messaging Emitters
Running concurrent asynchronous actions with Mutiny
How to Use Kafka, Schema Registry, and Avro with Quarkus
How to use API using pagination with Mutiny
How to combine reactive messaging, Kafka and the Rest client
How to compose asynchronous actions with Mutiny
Failures are an inherent part of any software. This post explains how you handle them with Mutiny