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Tagged posts: 'release'

We released Quarkus 3.18.3, a maintenance release for our 3.18 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.18.2, a maintenance release for our 3.18 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.18, our first feature release for 2025. It comes with a lot of new features such as Micrometer integration for WebSockets Next, a new WebAuthn implementation, a lot of enhancements for our security extensions...

We are introducing a new release cadence for the LTS streams.

We released Quarkus 3.17.8, a maintenance release for our 3.17 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.15.3, the second maintenance release for the 3.15 LTS stream.

We released Quarkus 3.17.7, a maintenance release for our 3.17 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.17.6, a maintenance release for our 3.17 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.17.5, a maintenance release for our 3.17 release train. And our last release for 2024.

Our next LTS (Long Term Support) Quarkus release will be Quarkus 3.20 released at the end of March. Feature freeze is February 11th.

We released Quarkus 3.17.4, a maintenance release for our 3.17 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.17.3, a maintenance release for our 3.17 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.17.2, a maintenance release for our 3.17 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.17 which comes with improvements to observability and programmatic permission checkers. The REST Clients were updated to MicroProfile REST Client 4.0.

We released Quarkus 3.16.4, a maintenance release for our 3.16 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.15.2, the first maintenance release for the 3.15 LTS release.

We released Quarkus 3.16.3, a maintenance release for our 3.16 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.16.2, a maintenance release for our 3.16 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.16 which is packed with new features and enhancements: distributed logging with OpenTelemetry Logging, a nice default LGTM dashboard, a lot of new security features...

Quarkus 3.15 - new LTS version

We released Quarkus 3.15, our new LTS version.

We released Quarkus 3.14.4, which fixes an issue in Gradle + Kotlin support introduced in 3.4.3.

We released Quarkus 3.14.3, a maintenance release for our 3.14 release train. It also brings a new feature: SBOM generation.

We released Quarkus 3.14.2, a maintenance release for our 3.14 release train. Apart from bugfixes, it also contains an upgrade of Micrometer to 1.13.

We released Quarkus 3.8.6, a new maintenance release for the 3.8 LTS release train.

We released Quarkus 3.14, in which we upgraded the ORM stack, added Let's encrypt support, provided a way to speed up your Jackson serialization, and a lot more!

We released Quarkus 3.13.3, our third maintenance release for the 3.13 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.13.2, our second maintenance release for the 3.13 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.13.1, our first maintenance release for the 3.13 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.13, which upgrades OpenTelemetry to 1.39 and introduces support for OpenTelemetry Metrics. It also includes improvements to the TLS registry and a lot of improvements across the board.

We released Quarkus 3.12.3, our third maintenance release for the 3.12 release train.

Our next LTS (Long Term Support) Quarkus release will be Quarkus 3.15 released at the end of September.

We released Quarkus 3.12.2, our second maintenance release for the 3.12 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.12.1, our first maintenance release for the 3.12 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.12, which includes the brand new TLS Registry, Load Shedding, JFR and Podman extensions, a native image agent, upgrade to Kotlin 2.0...

We released Quarkus 3.11.3, our second maintenance release for the 3.11 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.11.2, our second maintenance release for the 3.11 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.8.5, our fourth maintenance release for the 3.8 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.11.1, our first maintenance release for the 3.11 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.11, which includes Dev Services for Observability, a lot of progress on the extension, an Infinispan Cache extension, and more.

We released Quarkus 3.10.2, our second maintenance release for the 3.10 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.10.1, our first maintenance release for the 3.10 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.10, which comes with what an extension for the Hibernate Search standalone POJO mapper, support for Flyway 10 and various security enhancements.

We released Quarkus 3.9.5, our fourth maintenance release for the 3.9 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.9.4, our third maintenance release for the 3.9 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.8.4, our third maintenance release for the 3.8 release train.

Quarkus 3.2.12.Final is the twelfth maintenance release of the 3.2 LTS release train, including critical bug fixes and documentation updates.

We released Quarkus 3.9.3, our second maintenance release for the 3.9 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.9.2, our first maintenance release for the 3.9 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.9, which comes with what we called the Big Reactive Rename.

We released Quarkus 3.8.3, our second maintenance release for the 3.8 release train.

Quarkus 3.2.11.Final is the eleventh maintenance release of the 3.2 LTS release train, including critical bug fixes and documentation updates.

We released Quarkus 3.8.2, our first maintenance release for the 3.8 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.8, our new LTS release. It is built on the shoulders of 3.7 and comes with additional fixes.

Introducing a Quarkus-Kiota extension and available Java tools to work with Kiota.

We released Quarkus 3.7.4, our third maintenance release for the 3.7 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.7.3, our second maintenance release for the 3.7 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.7.2, our first maintenance release for the 3.7 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.7 which requires Java 17+, updates to Hibernate ORM 6.4, supports Micrometer @MeterTag and much more. 3.6.9 was also released to address two CVEs.

Quarkus 3.2.10.Final is the tenth maintenance release of the 3.2 LTS release train. It includes a few critical bug fixes and documentation updates.

We released Quarkus 3.6.7, our seventh maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.6.6, our sixth maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.6.5, our fifth maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.6.4, our fourth maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.

As some of you asked what were our plans regarding the next LTS, this blog post presents our plans for Quarkus 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.

We released Quarkus 3.6.3, our third maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.6.1, our first maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.6.0 which comes with improvements in how the REST Client handles SSE and many OIDC and security-related enhancements.

We released Quarkus 3.5.3, our third maintenance release for the 3.5 release train.

Quarkus 3.2.9.Final is the ninth maintenance release of the 3.2 LTS release train. It fixes a few critical bug fixes and documentation updates.

We released Quarkus 3.5.2, our second maintenance release for the 3.5 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.5.1, our first maintenance release for the 3.5 release train.

Quarkus 3.2.8.Final is the eighth maintenance release of the 3.2 LTS release train. It fixes CVE-2023-5720 and other bug fixes

We released Quarkus 3.5.0 which officially supports Java 21 and contains several OIDC-related improvements.

Quarkus 3.2.7.Final is the seventh maintenance release of our 3.2 LTS release train. It fixes CVE-2023-43642, CVE-2023-34454, CVE-2023-44487 and CVE-2023-39410

Quarkus 2.16.12.Final is the twelfth maintenance release of our 2.16 release train. It fixes CVE-2023-44487, CVE-2023-39410, and CVE-2023-34454.

We released Quarkus 3.4.3, our second maintenance release for our 3.4 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.4.2, our first maintenance release for our 3.4 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.4.1 which comes with support for Redis 7.2 and changes to the Flyway extension.

We released Quarkus 3.3.3, 3.2.6.Final and 2.6.11.Final to fix CVE-2023-4853.

We released Quarkus 3.3.2, our second maintenance release for our 3.3 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.3.1, our first maintenance release for our 3.3 release train.

Quarkus 3.2.5.Final is the fifth maintenance release of our 3.2 LTS release train.

Quarkus 2.16.10.Final is the tenth maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.3.0 which comes with a lot of improvements to the OpenTelemetry extension and a brand new Reactive Messaging Pulsar extension.

Quarkus 3.2.4.Final is the fourth maintenance release of our 3.2 release train.

Quarkus 3.2.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 3.2 release train.

Quarkus 2.16.9.Final is the ninth maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

Quarkus 3.2.2.Final is the second maintenance release of our 3.2 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.2.0.Final with new security features and the ability to test CDI components with @QuarkusComponentTest.

Quarkus 2.16.8.Final is the eighth maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

Quarkus 3.1.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 3.1 release train.

Quarkus 3.1.2.Final is the second maintenance release of our 3.1 release train.

Quarkus 3.1.1.Final is the first maintenance release of our 3.1 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.1.0.Final with a new API for programmatically creating Reactive REST Clients, among other things.

Quarkus 3.0.4.Final is the third maintenance release of our 3.0 release train.

Quarkus 3.0.3.Final is the second maintenance release of our 3.0 release train.

Quarkus 2.16.7.Final is the seventh maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

Quarkus 3.0.2.Final is the first maintenance release of our 3.0 release train.

It is our great pleasure to announce our new major release of Quarkus: Quarkus 3.0.

Quarkus 3.0.0.CR2 released

Today, we released Quarkus 3.0.0.CR2, our last step before building the 3.0.0.Final bits.

Quarkus 2.16.6.Final is the sixth maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

Quarkus 3.0.0.CR1 released

Today, we released Quarkus 3.0.0.CR1, bringing us one step closer to Quarkus 3.0 final release.

We continue our journey towards the Quarkus 3.0 final release, this time with Quarkus 3.0.0.Beta1.

Quarkus 2.16.5.Final is the fifth maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

3.0.0.Alpha5 came with big changes, 3.0.0.Alpha6 is a smaller release with bugfixes, enhancements, both to Quarkus and our upgrade process.

This version is the second biggest update with major impact for Quarkus 3 - upgrading Hibernate ORM 5 to Hibernate ORM 6.

Quarkus 2.16.4.Final is the fourth maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

Quarkus 2.16.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

This version marks a huge milestone: the Jakarta EE 10 work has been integrated into our main branch.

Quarkus 2.16.2.Final is the second maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

Quarkus 2.16.1.Final is the first maintenance release of our 2.16 release train.

We released Quarkus 2.16.0.Final with improvements to the Redis and gRPC extensions, among other things.

Today, we released Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha3 which is based on our current main but targeting Jakarta EE 10. It also comes with some additional changes.

Quarkus 2.15.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 2.15 release train.

Quarkus 2.15.2.Final is the second maintenance release of our 2.15 release train.

Quarkus 2.15.1.Final is the first maintenance release of our 2.15 release train.

We released Quarkus 2.15.0.Final which introduces a lot of new features such as support for AWS Lambda SnapStart, a new Vert.x-based gRPC extension, federation support for SmallRye GraphQL...

We released Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha2 based on the features of Quarkus 2.14.3.Final but targeting Jakarta EE 10.

Quarkus 2.14.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 2.14 release train.

Quarkus 2.14.2.Final and 2.13.5.Final fix CVE-2022-4116. Please upgrade.

We released Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha1 based on the features of Quarkus 2.13.3.Final but targeting Jakarta EE 10.

Quarkus 2.14.1.Final is the first maintenance release of our 2.14 release train.

We released Quarkus 2.14.0.Final with a lot of both internal and user facing improvements.

Quarkus 2.13.4.Final is the fourth maintenance release of our 2.13 release train.

Quarkus 2.13.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 2.13 release train.

Quarkus 2.13.2.Final is the second maintenance release of our 2.13 release train.

Quarkus 2.13.1.Final is the first maintenance release of our 2.13 release train.

We released Quarkus 2.13.0.Final which, among a lot of smaller enhancements, comes with a cross site request forgery prevention filter and a Kafka Client Dev UI.

Quarkus 2.12.3.Final released

Quarkus 2.12.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 2.12 release train.

Quarkus 2.12.2.Final released

Quarkus 2.12.2.Final is the second maintenance release of our 2.12 release train.

Quarkus 2.12.1.Final fixes a performance regression introduced in Quarkus 2.12.0.Final.

Today, we released Quarkus 2.12.0.Final with GraalVM/Mandrel 22.2, Kotlin 1.7 and more.

The Quarkus community are localizing the website in multiple languages.

Quarkus 2.11.3.Final fixes several issues including CVE-2022-2466.

Quarkus 2.11.2.Final fixes several issues but still does not completely fix CVE-2022-2466.

We released Quarkus 2.11.1.Final and 2.10.4.Final to fix CVE-2022-2466. Quarkus 2.11.1.Final also introduces a new Redis Client API and customization abilities for some extensions.

2.10.3.Final fixes CVE-2022-2466 and is a mandatory upgrade for anyone exposing GraphQL services with Quarkus 2.10.x.

2.10.2.Final is the second maintenance release for our 2.10 release train.

2.10.1.Final is the first maintenance release for our 2.10 release train.

We released Quarkus 2.10.0.Final which starts the exploratory work for Loom's virtual threads and refines a lot of extensions.

2.9.2.Final is the second maintenance release for our 2.9 release train.

2.9.1.Final is the first maintenance release for our 2.9 release train.

We released Quarkus 2.9.0.Final with exciting new features such as a brand new WebAuthn extension

2.8.3.Final is the third maintenance release for our 2.8 release train.

2.8.2.Final is the second maintenance release for our 2.8 release train.

2.8.1.Final is the first maintenance release for our 2.8 release train.

Quarkus 2.8.0.Final makes RESTEasy Reactive our default REST layer. It also upgrades to GraalVM 22.0 and brings many more refinements.

2.7.5.Final is the fifth maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.

2.7.4.Final is the fourth maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.

2.7.3.Final is the third maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.

2.7.2.Final is the second maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.

2.7.1.Final is the first maintenance release for our 2.7 release train.

Quarkus 2.7.0.Final comes with an even better Quarkus CLI, an interactive terminal for dev mode, SmallRye Stork 1.0.0, an Oracle Reactive SQL Client extension and a ton of other things.

2.6.3.Final is the third maintenance release for our 2.6 release train.

2.6.2.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.6 release train. It brings back Kogito.

2.6.1.Final is the first maintenance release for our 2.6 release train and the last Quarkus release of the year!

Quarkus 2.6.0.Final comes with SmallRye Reactive Messaging 3.13 and Kafka 3, a programmatic API for caching, an AWT extension, Kotlin 1.6 support, Camel 3.14 and more.

2.5.4.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.5 release train.

2.5.3.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.5 release train.

2.5.2.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.5 release train.

2.5.1.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.5 release train.

Quarkus 2.5.0.Final recommends GraalVM/Mandrel 21.3 and introduces usability improvements in many extensions.

2.4.2.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.4 release train.

2.4.1.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.4 release train.

2.3.1.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.3 release train.

Quarkus 2.3 brings new features and a host of refinements and improvements across the board.

2.2.3.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.2 release train.

2.2.2.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.2 release train.

2.2 is our first hardening release, a full development cycle dedicated to fixing issues, improving usability and documentation and polishing things overall.

2.1.4.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.1 release train.

2.1.3.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.1 release train.

2.1.2.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.1 release train.

2.1.1.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.1 release train.

The platform model and supporting tools available in Quarkus 2.1.0.Final make it easy to discover and work with the Quarkus extension ecosystem.

On top of the shoulders of 2.0, 2.1 includes a lot of refinements and improvements all over the place.

2.0.3.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.0 release train.

2.0.2.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.0 release train.

2.0.1.Final is a maintenance release for our 2.0 release train.

You were waiting for it and it is finally here: Quarkus 2.0.0.Final with all its bells and whistles.

1.13.7.Final is a maintenance release for our 1.13 release train.

We fixed some more issues in this CR. Final is coming at the end of June.

Last stop before the 2.0.0.Final release.

1.13.6.Final is a maintenance release for our 1.13 release train.

1.13.5.Final is a maintenance release for our 1.13 release train.

We continue to make progress on the road to Quarkus 2.0.

1.13.4.Final is a maintenance release for our 1.13 release train.

Thanks to the community feedback, this new Alpha comes with a lot of bugfixes and improvements, especially for Continuous Testing.

1.13.3.Final is a maintenance release for our 1.13 release train.

With this first alpha release, we are starting the journey ultimately leading to our new major, Quarkus 2.0.

1.13.2.Final introduces an extension for the Oracle JDBC driver and fixes bugs

1.13.1.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

Quarkus 1.13 brings new features simplifying even further your development and deployment.

1.12.2.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

1.12.1.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

In the just released Quarkus 1.12.0.Final, your applications are now packaged as fast-jars by default.

1.11.3.Final mainly fixes a regression when using OpenTracing in combination with RESTEasy in a native executable.

1.11.2.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

1.11.1.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

Quarkus 1.11 has been released. It comes with RESTEasy Reactive, a Dev UI, Micrometer enhancements, dev mode support for jbang, and Spring Data REST.

1.10.5.Final fixes several important issues in Quarkus 1.10.

1.10.3.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

Quarkus 1.10 has been released. JSON is now the default content type for your REST resources, multiple reactive datasources are supported and we added several registries to our Micrometer extension.

1.9.2.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

1.9.1.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

Quarkus 1.9 has been released with lots of improvements on top of existing features.

1.8.3.Final downgrades slf4j-jboss-logging to fix a regression.

1.8.2.Final fixes some bugs and includes some documentation improvements.

1.8.1.Final fixes some regressions and bugs and introduces the RESTEasy Multipart extension.

Quarkus 1.8 has been released with multiple persistence units support, a Micrometer extension, jbang integration and an update to GraalVM 20.2.

1.7.3.Final fixes some regressions and bugs.

1.7.2.Final fixes some regressions and bugs.

1.7.1.Final fixes some regressions and bugs.

Quarkus 1.7 has been released with new extensions for Elasticsearch and Redis clients. It also brings significant improvements to Reactive routes and the Funqy serverless framework.

1.6.1.Final fixes some regressions and bugs and also got some documentation improvements.

Quarkus 1.6 has been released with AppCDS support, extensions for Google Cloud Functions, Reactive Db2 and Cassandra clients and has been upgraded to GraalVM 20.1.0.

1.5.2.Final fixes some regressions and bugs.

1.5.1.Final fixes some regressions and bugs.

Quarkus 1.5 adds support for Picocli, gRPC, GraphQL and introduces more Amazon Services extensions. It also includes a new fast-jar packaging format.

1.4.2.Final fixes some regressions and bugs.

Quarkus 1.4 brings command mode, HTTP 2 support, a new FaaS framework called Funqy, new mocking features and much more.

1.3.2.Final fixes some regressions with the Hibernate ORM extension and bugs related to the container image extensions.

1.3.1.Final fixes some issues and bring some documentation improvements. Generated projects are now using Java 11 by default.

Quarkus 1.3.0.Final comes with a new class loader infrastructure, GraalVM 20 support, 8 new extensions and a lot of bugfixes and improvements.

1.2.1.Final fixes several issues in Quarkus and the documentation.

GraalVM 19.3.1 support, Metrics, a brand new Cache extension, Vault Transit Secret engine, Quarkus 1.2.0.Final is here packed with new features.

1.1.1.Final fixes several issues mostly in our Kotlin and Gradle support.

Template engine, YAML configuration, Gradle improvements... learn more about what we have baked for you in 1.1.

1.0.1.Final fixes an important security issue. Upgrade highly recommended.

After two release candidates, we are happy to announce that Quarkus 1.0.0.Final has been released.

We just released Quarkus 1.0.0.CR2 which is our last candidate release before Final. We plan to release Final on Monday 25th.

0.28.1 is a bugfix release. We also made some changes to the guides and quickstarts URLs.

More Amazon Lambda features, move to Jakarta, usability fixes, go find out what we baked for you.

Quarkus 0.26.1 comes with bugfixes and doc improvements. It also adds an extension for Vault support.

We continue on our journey to rewrite the security layer.

0.24.0 relies on Eclipse Vert.x to serve your REST requests and introduces a new security layer.

0.23.2 fixes the memory usage increase observed in 0.23.

0.23.1 had a regression, please use 0.23.2.

Quarkus 0.22.0 released

We just released Quarkus 0.22.0 with improved Spring API support.

Quarkus 0.21.2 released

We just released Quarkus 0.21.2 fixing several bugs and usability issues. Time to upgrade.

Quarkus 0.21.1 released

We just released Quarkus 0.21.1. As for 0.20.0, to build native executables, you will need GraalVM 19.1.1. What’s new? This release is mostly about fixing bugs and usability issues. The Kafka Streams and Apache Tika extensions got their usability greatly improved for instance. You can find the full changelog of 0.21.0 and the few additional issues we fixed in 0.21.1 on GitHub. We have a lot of interesting things in the works so stay tuned...

Quarkus 0.20.0 released

We just released Quarkus 0.20.0. If you use Quarkus with GraalVM to build native executables, Quarkus 0.20.0 now requires GraalVM 19.1.1 so please upgrade your GraalVM installation. What’s new? Here are the main highlights of this release: Jackson extensions, OAuth2 extension, Camel extensions moved outside the Quarkus tree, a new MicroProfile REST Client implementation, Syslog support and a new guide for Azure deployments. Hibernate ORM multi-line support in import scripts We enabled multi-line support for...

Quarkus 0.19.1 released

We just released Quarkus 0.19.1. This new version brings a lot of new extensions, especially in the persistence area. Quarkus 0.19.1 is still targeting GraalVM 19.0.2 as we discovered a bug in GraalVM 19.1.0 that affects Quarkus. The issue is already fixed but we are waiting for a 19.1.1 release. What’s new? Here are the main highlights of this release: MongoDB support, Neo4J support, Amazon DynamoDB support, Apache Tika support, Reactive Messaging MQTT support and...

Quarkus 0.18.0 released

Quarkus 0.18.0 was just released and is now available on Maven Central. We usually release Quarkus every two weeks and it has just been a week since our last release so why release 0.18.0 so soon? Well, we have some good news to share: Quarkus now supports GraalVM 19 (requires it, even) and we wanted to put this version in your hands as quickly as possible. What’s new? Here are the main highlights of this...