从 Spring Cloud 配置服务器中读取配置属性
该指南阐述了你的Quarkus应用程序如何在运行时从 Spring Cloud Config Server 中读取配置属性。
JDK 17+ installed with
configured appropriately -
Apache Maven 3.9.9
如果你愿意的话,还可以选择使用Quarkus CLI
建立该指南所需的 配置服务器 (Config Server),请遵循 这里 的说明。该过程的最终目的是创建一个正在运行的且应用程序查询名为 a-bootiful-client
的服务器时,会为名为 message
的配置属性提供值为 Hello world
For Windows users:
If using cmd, (don’t use backward slash
and put everything on the same line) -
If using Powershell, wrap
parameters in double quotes e.g."-DprojectArtifactId=spring-cloud-config-quickstart"
该命令生成了一个已导入 spring-cloud-config-client
如果你已经配置了你的Quarkus项目,你可以通过在你的项目根目录下运行以下命令,将 spring-cloud-config-client
quarkus extension add spring-cloud-config-client
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='spring-cloud-config-client'
./gradlew addExtension --extensions='spring-cloud-config-client'
First, create a simple GreetingResource
Jakarta REST resource in the
file that looks like:
package org.acme.spring.spring.cloud.config.client;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
public class GreetingResource {
public String hello() {
return "hello";
由于我们想使用从配置服务器(Config Server)中获取到的配置属性,我们将更新 GreetingResource
以注入 message
package org.acme.spring.spring.cloud.config.client;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty;
public class GreetingResource {
@ConfigProperty(name = "message", defaultValue="hello default")
String message;
public String hello() {
return message;
Quarkus在 quarkus.spring-cloud-config
根路径下提供了多种配置选项。就该指南而言,我们的Quarkus应用程序将在 application.properties
# use the same name as the application name that was configured when standing up the Config Server
# enable retrieval of configuration from the Config Server - this is off by default
# configure the URL where the Config Server listens to HTTP requests - this could have been left out since http://localhost:8888 is the default
If you are using Gradle, the Gradle setting |
quarkus dev
./mvnw quarkus:dev
./gradlew --console=plain quarkusDev
打开你的浏览器并访问 http://localhost:8080/greeting。
结果应该是: Hello world
,因为这是从Spring Cloud 配置服务器(Config Server)上获取的值。
当然,你也可以使用 构建本地可执行文件指南 的说明来创建一个本地镜像。
Spring Cloud 配置客户端参考
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Configuration property |
类型 |
默认 |
If enabled, will try to read the configuration from a Spring Cloud Config Server Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
If set to true, the application will not stand up if it cannot obtain configuration from the Config Server Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
The Base URI where the Spring Cloud Config Server is available Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Name of the application on Spring Cloud Config server. Could be a list of names to load multiple files (value separated by a comma) Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The label to be used to pull remote configuration properties. The default is set on the Spring Cloud Config Server (generally "master" when the server uses a Git backend). Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The amount of time to wait when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out. Specify Environment variable: Show more |
The amount of time to wait for a read on a socket before an exception is thrown. Specify Environment variable: Show more |
The username to be used if the Config Server has BASIC Auth enabled Environment variable: Show more |
string |
The password to be used if the Config Server has BASIC Auth enabled Environment variable: Show more |
string |
TrustStore to be used containing the SSL certificate used by the Config server Can be either a classpath resource or a file system path Environment variable: Show more |
path |
Password of TrustStore to be used containing the SSL certificate used by the Config server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
KeyStore to be used containing the SSL certificate for authentication with the Config server Can be either a classpath resource or a file system path Environment variable: Show more |
path |
Password of KeyStore to be used containing the SSL certificate for authentication with the Config server Environment variable: Show more |
string |
Password to recover key from KeyStore for SSL client authentication with the Config server If no value is provided, the key-store-password will be used Environment variable: Show more |
string |
When using HTTPS and no keyStore has been specified, whether to trust all certificates Environment variable: Show more |
boolean |
Custom headers to pass the Spring Cloud Config Server when performing the HTTP request Environment variable: Show more |
Map<String,String> |
The profiles to use for lookup Environment variable: Show more |
list of string |
Microprofile Config ordinal. Environment variable: Show more |
int |
About the Duration format
To write duration values, use the standard You can also use a simplified format, starting with a number:
In other cases, the simplified format is translated to the