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Season 3 and 60th Insights episode

After a summer break and little bit of COVID-19 delay, we will finally have the 60th(!) Quarkus Insights episode on Monday the 23rd August.


For those who don’t know, Quarkus Insights is a (almost) weekly video/audio podcast where we host people from all parts of the Quarkiverse to sit down and talk about how to use Quarkus, what is coming next, user stories from the actual users and more!

This Monday is titled "The Rise of Platforms" where Alexey will come by and talk about the improvements and changes we’ve done around the notion of Quarkus Platforms and Extensions for Quarkus 2.x.

We have a whole backlog of 60 episodes which for large part are still as relevant as they were when we recorded them.

You can browse and see the full list at

Definitely worth a watch if you want to learn about Quarkus and how it is developed.

This Monday is also start of "Season 3" - see you there!

Have fun, Max