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Quarkus Newsletter #19 - April

The April newsletter has been sent. It’s full of great new articles like "Kubernetes Native Java with Quarkus" by Jason Greene, John Clingan and Eric Deandrea. Others include:Develop and Deploy Cloud Native Java Applications at Supersonic speed, Build a REST API from the ground up with Quarkus 2.0, Building Databases on Kubernetes with Quarkus, Insights on Vaadin with Quarkus, Quarkus Tools for Visual Studio Code - 1.10.0 release, Qute Templating Engine Support - Now Available for Quarkus Tools for Visual Studio Code, and Riding Camel Quarkus: effortless APIs. You will also see the lastest Quarkus Insights episodes and upcoming Quarkus attended events.

Check out Newsletter #19!

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We’ve also included the list of the newest found online stories. Give it a read and if you feel something is missing or have an article coming out for future Quarkus Newsletter install the bookmarklet on your laptop and phone to easily submit a story. If you prefer the manual way please open an issue with a short description and a url.