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Posts by Jeff Maury

Posts by Jeff Maury

Jeff works for Red Hat since 2016. He's leading desktop tooling effort around cloud native technologies (Quarkus, OpenShift, Kubernetes).


We are very pleased to announce the 1.1.0 release of Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ. This release brings support for YAML configuration files and bug fixes. application.yaml support Code completion (Ctrl + ENTER) Property documentation Select a property and press Ctrl+Q Syntax validation Wrong property key names or values are reported Moving Forward If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, by all means please open an issue. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for...

We are very pleased to announce the 1.0.0 release of Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ. This release brings enhanced code completion and syntax validation for and better support for Microprofile in Java files. It is not based anymore on the LSP Support plugin in order to increase stability. In order to install it, search for Quarkus Tools in the JetBrains marketplace or download from here. Here is an overview of the major features: support...

In a previous post, we announced the first version of Quarkus Tools for Eclipse. We’re now announcing a new version for Quarkus Tools for Eclipse, including better support for Eclipse Microprofile, Java 11 and enhancements to the wizard. Language support for Kubernetes, Openshift, S2i and Docker properties There is now completion, hover, documentation and validation for kubernetes., openshift., s2i., docker. properties Enter kubernetes prefix: Enter openshift prefix: Enter s2i prefix: Language support for MicroProfile REST...

You have probably already heard about tooling for Microsoft VSCode or JetBrains IntelliJ. Last week the first version of Quarkus Tools for Eclipse was released. It’s free and open source and we encourage you to use it. Let’s see how you can get it and play with the features. 安装 There are several ways to get Quarkus Tools inside the Eclipse IDE. Quarkus Tools is part of JBoss Tools. So if you are already a...